Daniel Darling
Daniel Darling
Daniel Darling is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Seminary and the author of several books, including, Agents of Grace, The Dignity Revolution, and his forthcoming, In Defense of Christian Patriotism. He is a columnist for World and a regular contributor to USA Today. He has pastored churches in Illinois and TN and attends, with his wife and four children, Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Daniel Darling is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Seminary and the author of several books, including, Agents of Grace, The Dignity Revolution, and his forthcoming, In Defense of Christian Patriotism. He is a columnist for World and a regular contributor to USA Today. He has pastored churches in Illinois and TN and attends, with his wife and four children, Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Articles by Daniel Darling