Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey is the founder of and a contributor at WORLD Opinions. He’s a former community liaison at the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and the former spokesman on critical race theory for Parents as First Educators. He's been featured on The Daily Wire, The Blaze, The Christian Post, and Desiring God. Samuel is a Ghanaian-Canadian and currently resides in Ohio with his wife Anne and his son Solomon.

Samuel Sey is the founder of and a contributor at WORLD Opinions. He’s a former community liaison at the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and the former spokesman on critical race theory for Parents as First Educators. He's been featured on The Daily Wire, The Blaze, The Christian Post, and Desiring God. Samuel is a Ghanaian-Canadian and currently resides in Ohio with his wife Anne and his son Solomon.

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